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We are Brain Fuel

We’re a Creative Change Agency, a faciliator office that works for green & fair organizations. With sessions, methods and workshops we will tackle all your challenges creatively and effectively. Our goal: to activate you, your colleagues and the world towards the solution.

Together, we’ll solve 10.000 problems in ten years. Promise.

We solve problems. Together.

Brain Fuel is founded in 2016. We started with a deck of cards based on the power of association, but quickly evolved into a method full of tools, facilitation techniques and canvasses. As we speak, we’ve trained over 100 facilitators in Brain Fuel. In addition, we’ve formed a Scientific Advisory Board who are testing our methods in the name of science.

We do all of this for the same reason: we believe dat every human being, including you, can devise brilliant ideas.

We are creative

We believe creativity and innovation are the keys in solving (worldy) problems. Use our tools to strengthen your own creativity and power to innovate.

We are effective

Forget meetings that last forever. With our tools, you’ll safe time and money, people get much more motivated and you’ll get the very best solutions.

We are world improveritive

We want to improve the world with our work. If you also feel the same way, we gladly want to strengthen that resolve with our superpowers.

Our own tools

We have or own Brain Fuel method, based on the power of association. How does an elephant see your problem? How would Mozart have solved this? And what if the problem took place in an amusement park? We developed a mountain of tools which fuel your brain in every situation. A team of scientists help us tot test and validate those tools.

100+ deployable facilitators

We don’t keep our tools for ourselves, but teach them to everyone who wants. To facilicators to be. To organisations.

As we speak, more than 100 facilitators are trained in Brain Fuel – and deployable to solve your problem.

Brain Fuel is Green Fuel

We want to improve the world with our work. We would not dare to claim that we will save the world, but we wanna contribute a couple of trees. Or ten thousand trees.

These Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations have our priority: SDG 12, 13 & 17.

Our team

We are Brain Fuel. And we are ready to solve your problem.

Frans Scheepens

Amar Sjauw En Wa – Windhorst

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This is what we have solved.

We’re proud of what we do. A taste of the problems we have solved with our customers.

Get in touch with us

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